Dominy Clocks and Watch Repairs at Winterthur
As proprietors of a metalworking shop with small forge and a woodworking shop, the Dominy craftsmen possessed the skills and equipment needed to make tall clocks “from scratch.” Between 1768 and 1828, Nathaniel IV led Nathaniel V and Felix in the production of approximately 100 examples that varied in complexity and price. In addition to making complete clocks, they repaired watches and Felix earned extra income by supplying clock components to Elijah Simons, a contemporary clockmaker in the village of Sag Harbor.
Learn more about the watches repaired and clocks made by the Dominy craftsmen in the Winterthur collections

Possibly Thomas Harland Sr.
Norwich, Connecticut; about 1790
Silver, enamel on copper, brass, iron, glass
Engraved “Ths Harland/ No 481”
Museum purchase 1961.104

J. Tarts
London, England; 1730–80
Silver, brass, glass, enamel, velvet lining
Engraved on backplate: “Tarts/London/ 3896”
Bequest of Henry Francis du Pont 1967.1380

Eight-day strike, repeater alarm clock
Nathaniel Dominy IV
East Hampton, New York; 1799
Mahogany, white pine, cherry, brass, iron, lead
Museum purchase 1957.34.1

Silent clock
Felix Dominy
East Hampton, New York; 1824–25
White pine, cherry, brass, iron, lead
Gift of Margery M. Muller and Elizabeth M. Atwood in memory of Mrs. George P. Morse 1986.134