Miter Box
In fitting moldings together at the corners of picture frames or case pieces, the ends of the pieces to be joined were usually beveled at a 45-degree angle and then joined or "mitred." The miter box enabled woodworkers to saw a 45-degree angle with speed and consistency. The Dominys' miter box is constructed with cut nails, indicating that it was made after 1800. Initials ND are scratched twice under the base and are probably those of Nathaniel V.
Miter box, Nathaniel Dominy V (probable maker), 1800-1850. Cherry; Maple. 2.3" (H), 12.4" (L), 4.4" (W). Mark: "ND" conjoined, scratched, one is mostly effaced. Museum purchase with funds provided by Henry Belin du Pont, 1957.0026.233