Great Chair (1992.93)

On November 2, 1822, Nathaniel V recorded in his shop accounts the sale of this slat-back great chair to his East Hampton neighbor, Abraham Sherrill Jr. (1754–1844), for 14 shillings. The wooden template used to transfer the shape of the slats and the clamp used to bend them are included in the Dominy tool collection. The modern coat of red paint replicates the original red lead hue.

A treasured heirloom, this slat-back great chair was featured as the seat of honor for Irene Sherrill (age two or three) in this 1904−05 photograph taken in the parlor of the Sherrill home. Courtesy University of Wisconsin Library



(Below) Slat-bending clamp, Nathaniel Dominy V (Maker), 1800-1840. Wood; Iron; Tulip poplar; Oak, red; Pine, white; Steel. 3.9" (H) , 26.8" (L) , 7.4" (W). Museum purchase with funds provided by Henry Belin du Pont, 1957.0026.223.