Screw Box & Tap
The screw box (right) was used to cut a spiral thread on wood cylinders, thus creating screws for clamps, lathe puppet, bench vises, and any other tool for which a large wooden screw was needed. The cutter fits into a channel at the upper right-hand side of the block, and a wide path at the lower right of the block was cut as a discharge space for shavings. Whether the screw box was clamped in a vise and the wood cylinder forced through it or it was twisted on a cylinder fastened in a vise, strength was required to cut a screw with this tool. Its prime advantage was, of course, that it could cut screws of a standardized pitch and diameter endlessly.
Screw box, Nathaniel Dominy IV (stock maker; local smith, cutter maker), 1770-1800. Oak, red; Hickory; Steel. 9.4" (L), 3.0" (W). Gift of Robert M. Dominy, 1957.0093.061